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Re: More restrictive controls on cryptography proposed in US Senate

On Sat, 15 Jul 1995, Albert Lunde wrote:

> I might agree with some of your misgivings... I don't want to overstate 
> matters, but I'm not convinced things _can't_ get worse. This is
> recent enough news you may have to judge for yourself. 
> If you send for the message I refered to, it has the text of the bill...
> they claim quoted from the congressional record... I can't find another
> copy online yet to verify this. The phase "universal decoding device"
> is right out of the bill:

Check out: http://thomas.loc.gov/



Enter "universal decoding".  The quoted text most definately comes up, 
with the "universal decoding device" hilighted.

> >(c) It shall be an affirmative defense to prosecution under this
> >section that the software at issue used a universal decoding device
> >or program that was provided to the Department of Justice prior to
> >the distribution.'.
> -- 
>     Albert Lunde                      Albert-Lunde@nwu.edu

		It's *amazing* what one can accomplish when 
		    one doesn't know what one can't do!
